Monday, December 7, 2009

So What's This Blog All About, Anyway?

Hello everyone,

Around SmartGirl, I'm known as Boowee. If you've submitted something to SmartGirl in the past 7 months or so, I'm the one who has read it, edited it, moderated it, or responded to it. And I love it! Working with SmartGirls has been so much fun, and I love my new job.

When I first got started, I was told to update the content regularly and try to spruce up the design a bit. Luckily, a former SmartGirl intern had just finished up with a User Survey that asked visitors what they wanted out of our website.

The survey said that visitors wanted:
* More interaction
* More updates more often
* Avatars
* College and career information and homework help
* Better navigation
* A new design that's a bit more modern and older

Some of these things we could change right away, but some of these things take a little longer to develop. That's where this blog comes in!

I'm so excited with all the new changes that are happening behind-the-scenes at SmartGirl, and I don't really want it to be some secret that I keep all to myself. I want to share these changes with SmartGirls so they can get excited, too! Plus, this is a great way to make sure that the changes we are making are going in the right direction.

So, from this blog you will see some of the cool behind-the-scenes stuff as we transform SmartGirl into something new, fantastic, wonderful, and spectacular! But don't worry... we aren't getting rid of any of the old stuff that you love.

If you see something you like, leave a comment and give us your kudos. If you see something you hate, leave a comment for that, too. Basically, we want your feedback whether it's good or bad.

I can't wait to hear all your thoughts, ideas, and opinions!



  1. Hi Boowee!

    It's Erika :) author of Corisande and the Coming Soon! The Singer! :)

    This blog idea sounds great! I can't wait to read more about SmartGirl!


  2. Hi Erika,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! :) If there's anything special you want to hear about, let me know.

    For those of you who haven't read Erika's stuff, check out her author page here:

